Line ID: kronologywatches




Mr Seiji Namague was the founder for Bobwellson. Prior to his venture in the watch industry, Mr Seij Namague was a businessman in Japan’s automobile industry. His strong passion for watches and his keen ability to draw on his past experience - handling with mechanisms, allows him to draw parallel with the delicate mechanisms within each watch.

While new models are being released by luxury brands, these watches do not have many variations in their designs. Luxury brands often offer new models with­­ minor differentiating factors (Movement – power reserve, movement designs) at a much higher price.

Mr Seiji Namague’s sharp observation skills had him wondering if there was a way to offer an exquisite piece of the watch with superior quality at an affordable price. After countless attempts and persistent hard work, Bobwellson released its 1st watch in 2011. From 2011 to 2015, various models were made in Japan. Of which, Bronze seal 2014 was the model which boosts Bobwellson’s recognition in the watch industry.

Sticking true to his belief - to produce affordable watches without sacrificing on its’ quality - Mr Seiji Namague succeeded in his quest to offer freshly designed watches with quality that are on par with branded watches at an affordable price. The limited production for its watches gave each of it a collector value and to be passed onto the following generations. Bobwellson watches are affordable by many and is definitely worthy of adding them to your collection.


Bobwellson growing…

As Bobwellson grows, Mr Seiji Namague looks into restructuring its management and improving its efficiency for watch-making.

Mr Tatori Auchi was then later appointed as the co-founder of Bobwellson. Along with their small yet united team, they carefully select individuals that work towards the same vision and mission for Bobwellson.

With such strong bonds and effective communications within their team, Bobwellson was able to release its new hit, the Bronze Seal 2016!