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About Us

About Us by Kronology Watches



Kronology watches is the authorised dealer and official retail partner of micro-branded watches. Not only that, we also maintain a friendly relationship with these partners, thoroughly understanding them. We adore only mechanical timepieces, as these are the classic timepieces that last a lifetime. We conduct the due research and evaluate them, keeping these factors in mind: build, quality, value system and mission.


From Adventure to Passion

In 2007, I was introduced to Rolex by my dad. Today, Rolex made a considerable difference to us and our lives. He told me about the greatness of Rolex, its inventions, its unique Cyclops. You could say that he was the one who pulled me into this deeply dug hole of adventures. Going deeper, I started browsing through the internet and many online references, I found myself immersed with admiration and love for Rolex. Its history was deep so I researched and read up on them and found myself more attached to forums, where like-minded people gather. There I found myself exposed to other watches. There is so much more knowledge in the watch universe to be discovered that it would take a lifetime to know it all. I started to take on a liking to other smaller-production brands because they were also unique in their own way. Some of them even laid the path that the luxury brands are taking.


What are microbrand watches?

They are called the micro brand because this brand produces limited quantity watches. Often low in production numbers. Many of these watches convey luxury aesthetics through their design. These are exclusive watch brands that were initiated by watch enthusiasts. Passion, commitment and communication were the elements that these brand owners held on to in the watches they deliver. Ever since, we have always loved these micro watch brands.  We want to surface these micro watch brands into the light from their shadows.


Why these brands?

Each of our retail partners is carefully screened and selected by their credibility, passion and experience in the watch industry. The movement and story behind each watch are also key in choosing our retail partners. Our fellow retail partners and their watches were not only chosen based on the above criteria but also because our team sees the potential behind each of these watches. These watches hold the potential to be the leading trend in the watch industry.

Our team works closely with our retail partners to bring to you the finest yet affordable micro brand watches from all over the world.